

With Daddy gone skiing and a long cold day ahead of us, we decided to head out on an adventure today. I packed up the kids, a few snacks, an "I Spy" book I created, and of course my camera and took them to the Domes. Having never been there before, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I was really pleased by how our afternoon turned out. With no schedules, it was nice to just wander at their pace...following their lead. Giving them purpose (the I spy books) really added something to our trip. I'm sure they would have rushed through if it had not been for that. This shot was near the end of our time. Hannah was wandering around looking for things to photograph while Alex stood mesmerized by the train display. He stood there for the longest time, I thought, just watching. Eventually he came running up to me and announced that it took exactly 115 seconds for the logging train to make its way around just one time. Sweet. The sunshine and bright colors did us all some good today...

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