Hannah, so proud of you today. After a year of lessons now, your teacher asked if you'd be interested in participating in a piano "contest." I have to be honest and say I was a bit surprised that you wanted to do it. You often shy away from "new" and "unknown" experiences. But you did great. You had chosen one of your most familiar pieces, Waltzing Elephants, which you call the "Plink Song" because of the staccato nature of the song. You had to walk into an unfamiliar setting, introduce yourself to the judge (whom you didn't know), present your music to her and then play for her from memory. The song is short (all of 30 second or so to play) but you played it quite well. The judge took notes, gave you some feedback and then we were on our way home. When we got home there was a message from your instructor saying how well you'd done and that you had scored a "1", the best score you could get. You'll receive a medal or ribbon of some sort at your next lesson. We're so proud of you, honey. You took a risk, tried something new and did well. Go you!